Metal Bringer Trophy List
Here you can see the full list of trophies that can be obtained in Metal Bringer.
This game includes 41 trophies:
Iron WillUnlock all trophies
Future Under a Blue SkyWitness the true end.
GodspeedDefeat Bhairava within 10 minutes.
The One Who Knows AllUnlock all archives.
Kali SlainDefeat Kali.
Durga SlainDefeat Durga.
Garuda SlainDefeat Garuda.
The Fall of S.I.V.A.Destroy S.I.V.A. and reach the false end.
Labor CollectorObtain 50 Labor blueprints.
Arms CollectorObtain 50 Arms blueprints.
The Mech UnitBuild Arms in 3 Arms Bringers.
Fatal HitDeal 3000 damage in one hit.
One-Man ArmyDestroy 1000 Labor in one investigation.
Overpowering the StrongDestroy a Lv.20 Vas Labor.
Ace AttackerDeal 1000000 damage in total with melee weapons.
Ace GunnerDeal 1000000 damage in total with ranged weapons.
Tried Really, Really HardDestroy 30000 Labor in total.
Descent into HellFall into Naraku.
Beyond the Depths of HellArrive at the Lanka Block.
Mass ProductionArrive at the Luchta Block.
Breezy PasturesArrive at the Dandaka Block.
Vritra Slain (True)Defeat Perfect Vritra.
Ganesha Slain (True)Defeat Perfect Ganesha.
Hanuman Slain (True)Defeat Perfect Hanuman.
Naga Slain (True)Defeat Perfect Naga.
Ravana Slain (True)Defeat Perfect Ravana.
Ace ProgrammerPerform tuning 100 times.
App AnalystUse 100 different types of app.
I Can Be a Vas Labor TooObtain all Vas Labor blueprints.
App ResearcherAnalyze 100 apps at the Junk Shop.
App MasterRaise the analysis level of any app to Level 8 at the Junk Shop.
Fountain of KnowledgeSolve puzzles at training facilities 30 times.
Combo MasterAchieve a 500-hit combo.
Filthy RichHold 10000 D-Chips in one investigation.
In Search of a Strong OpponentDestroy 9 Vas Labor in one investigation.
Gigant HunterDestroy 10 Gigant Arms in one investigation.
TravelerTravel across 300 areas in total.
InitiatedPick up 1000 app disks in total.
Pressing ForwardDestroy 100 Vas Labor in total.
Size Doesn't MatterDestroy 100 Gigant Arms in total.
Weapon NerdUse 20 different weapons.