Discolored Trophy List

Here you can see the full list of trophies that can be obtained in Discolored.

This game includes 18 trophies:

Discolored platinum trophy   - PLATINUM (1) Discolored gold trophy   - GOLD (9) Discolored silver trophy   - SILVER (4) Discolored bronze trophy   - BRONZE (4)
platinum trophy PLATINUM TROPHY
Trophy HunterFound all trophies in Discolored
Discolored platinum trophy list
gold trophy GOLD TROPHIES
WornholeFound a wormhole
Stealing the MoonPicked the moon from the sky
Full SpectrumRestored colors
SpiesFound a spy device
WatchedYou get the feeling you're being watched
Tuning InListened to the radio show
Secret Glimpses (Part 1)Uncovered an early look into the world's true colors
Secret Glimpses (Part 2)Uncovered an early look into the world's true colors
Secret Glimpses (Part 3)Uncovered an early look into the world's true colors
Discolored gold trophy list
silver trophy SILVER TROPHIES
Dialing OutMade a phone call
SignalRestored the TV signal
Evil MoonColors have been stolen again
UnfinishedYour work is not finished
Discolored silver trophy list
bronze trophyBRONZE TROPHIES
TravelerStepped Through a Painting
GreenRestored Green
BlueRestored Blue
RedRestored Red
Discolored bronze trophy list

Metal Bringer Trophy List