Fate: Reawakened Trophy List

Here you can see the full list of trophies that can be obtained in Fate: Reawakened.

This game includes 25 trophies:

Fate: Reawakened platinum trophy   - PLATINUM (1) Fate: Reawakened gold trophy   - GOLD (6) Fate: Reawakened silver trophy   - SILVER (10) Fate: Reawakened bronze trophy   - BRONZE (8)
platinum trophy PLATINUM TROPHY
Champion of FateCollect all trophies
Fate: Reawakened platinum trophy list
gold trophy GOLD TROPHIES
Master AnglerCatch all types of fish
All the ShiniesLoot every type of gem
The UndyingReach level 20 with a hardcore character
Versatile SlayerDefeat 10 bosses with 4 different weapon classes
Dungeoneering ExpertReach level 35 in each dungeon
Grate ProtectorCatch Peronto's Cheesehead of the Emerald Bay.
Fate: Reawakened gold trophy list
silver trophy SILVER TROPHIES
Strategic RetreatUse a town portal with less than 10% health left
Cheating DeathChoose your FATE
Gather 'roundKill 5 enemies at the same time
Swift VictoryKill 10 enemies in 45 seconds
I might have a problemGamble 30 times
Upgraded WeaponryFind and use a Magic Anvil
Monster HunterDefeat 100 enemies
I choose you!Summon 6 different monsters
There's no I in teamLet your pet kill enemies 25 times.
The road goes onCreate a descendant
Fate: Reawakened silver trophy list
bronze trophyBRONZE TROPHIES
ResearcherIdentify 10 items
Happy Pet, Happy OwnerFeed your pet 5 different fish
Treasure HunterOpen 20 chests
Hardworking HeroComplete 10 side quests
A spell for all occasionsLearn 5 spells
Let greed take overLoot 100,000 gold
The EnchanterEnchant an Item
The MerchantSell 50 items
Fate: Reawakened bronze trophy list

Metal Bringer Trophy List


Shadow of the Orient Trophy List