Shadow of the Orient Trophy List
Here you can see the full list of trophies that can be obtained in Shadow of the Orient.
This game includes 16 trophies:
Master of Kun FuObtain all trophies
Righteous HeartRescue all children in Act 2
SaviourRescue all children in Act 3
Double DragonEarn a score of 50,000
Heavenly WarriorDefeat the Dark Lord Onimitsu
Close EncounterDefeat the first Yeti in Act 2
Back to HellDefeat the first Death Knight in Act 3
Lost SoulDefeat the first Dark Apparition in Act 3
Treasure HunterFind all chests in the game
PathfinderFind 50% secret areas in the game
Supreme WarriorDefeat the entire game on hard mode
First BuyBuy a game item from the shop
No Guts No GloryDefeat Lord Takahashi
Fire ExtinguishedDefeat Lord Shinzu
The Journey BeginsComplete the first level.
To The RescueRescue all children in Act 1