Shadow of the Orient Trophy List

Here you can see the full list of trophies that can be obtained in Shadow of the Orient.

This game includes 16 trophies:

	 Shadow of the Orient platinum trophy   - PLATINUM (1) 	 Shadow of the Orient gold trophy   - GOLD (10) 	 Shadow of the Orient silver trophy   - SILVER (3) 	 Shadow of the Orient bronze trophy   - BRONZE (2)
platinum trophy PLATINUM TROPHY
Master of Kun FuObtain all trophies
	 Shadow of the Orient platinum trophy list
gold trophy GOLD TROPHIES
Righteous HeartRescue all children in Act 2
SaviourRescue all children in Act 3
Double DragonEarn a score of 50,000
Heavenly WarriorDefeat the Dark Lord Onimitsu
Close EncounterDefeat the first Yeti in Act 2
Back to HellDefeat the first Death Knight in Act 3
Lost SoulDefeat the first Dark Apparition in Act 3
Treasure HunterFind all chests in the game
PathfinderFind 50% secret areas in the game
Supreme WarriorDefeat the entire game on hard mode
	 Shadow of the Orient gold trophy list
silver trophy SILVER TROPHIES
First BuyBuy a game item from the shop
No Guts No GloryDefeat Lord Takahashi
Fire ExtinguishedDefeat Lord Shinzu
	 Shadow of the Orient silver trophy list
bronze trophyBRONZE TROPHIES
The Journey BeginsComplete the first level.
To The RescueRescue all children in Act 1
	 Shadow of the Orient bronze trophy list

Fate: Reawakened Trophy List


KinnikuNeko: SUPER MUSCLE CAT Trophy List