The Lost and The Wicked Trophy List
Here you can see the full list of trophies that can be obtained in The Lost and The Wicked.
This game includes 17 trophies:
Platinum LostUnlock all other Trophies.
Kill Or Be KilledKill 1000 Wicked
God Stopped WatchingReach a point where God's eyes have turned away.
Friend RotConfront a traitor...
The ForgottenDefeat The Forgotten
The PunishmentDefeat The Punishment
The DespicableDefeat The Despicable
The WeaselDefeat The Weasel
The HatredDefeat The Hatred
The DreadfulDefeat the Dreadful
The WickedDefeat the Wicked
StrengthUpgrade damage 6 times
GreedUpgrade money multiplier 6 times
PowerUpgrade stamina 6 times
ProtectionUpgrade health 6 times
Blood ThirstKill 100 Wicked
Where The Ocean Washes Away ToEnter the world of the wicked