Enclave HD Trophy List
Here you can see the full list of trophies that can be obtained in Enclave HD.
This game includes 35 trophies:
Ruler of Light and DarknessRuler of Light and Darkness
Bonus MissionsComplete all bonus missions
Campaigns ConqueredCompleted Both Campaigns
Hard Campaigns ConqueredComplete Both Campaigns in Hard Mode
Ark AmarComplete "Ark Amar"
The AncestorsComplete "The Ancestors"
The SanctuaryComplete "The Sanctuary"
The UnderworldComplete "The Underworld"
ZuranaComplete "Zurana"
Kam-ZaraComplete "Kam-Zara"
JasindraComplete "Jasindra"
VatarComplete "Vatar"
The GuardianComplete "The Guardian"
The EscapeComplete "The Escape"
The PlateauComplete "The Plateau"
Capture JasindraComplete "Capture Jasindra"
Outpost SeigeComplete "Outpost Seige"
The Great WallComplete "The Great Wall"
Ungard MinesComplete "Ungard Mines"
MordessaComplete "Mordessa"
CelenheimComplete "Celenheim"
Battle DroidUnlock character "9320 Battle Droid"
Earth GolemUnlock character "Earth Golem"
Stone GnomeUnlock character "Stone Gnome"
FeticiaUnlock character "Feticia"
ImprisonedComplete "Imprisoned"
Protect the OutpostComplete "Protect the Outpost"
Escort MarcusComplete "Escort Marcus"
Deserted TempleComplete "Deserted Temple"
Divided CityComplete "Divided City"
Outland WastesComplete "Outland Wastes"
Zurana's CrystalComplete "Zurana's Crystal"
Kill MarcusComplete "Kill Marcus"
Surprise AttackComplete "Surprise Attack"
Mansion of DreamsComplete "Mansion of Dreams"