Sky: Children of the Light Trophy List
Here you can see the full list of trophies that can be obtained in Sky: Children of the Light.
This game includes 23 trophies:
No Platinum trophies!
Good CompanySummon every Elder at the same time.
SaviorGive light to every statue in the Eye of Eden in a single run.
Skykid SundaeMake an eight-player piggyback stack.
An Old FriendBecome acquainted with an elder.
Wing MasterReach cape level 10.
Teddy BearHug ten unique players.
Hero of SkyRescue thirty downed players.
Friend FormationBe in a group of eight players holding hands.
Not AfraidComplete a highest-intensity meteor shard event.
Feed The DragonsCatapult twenty players in Graveyard.
Taking FlightPass through the temple in the Isle of Dawn.
Social ButterflyMake five friends.
Home CookingHave a meal with the kind ancestor in Hidden Forest.
Crab CourierTake a crab on an adventure.
MycologistVisit the Fairy Ring in Daylight Prairie.
High GliderReach high altitude without touching the ground.
Deep DiverDive to the deepest depth in Treasure Reef.
Where To Next?Hold hands with thirty unique players.
Brighter TogetherCreate a beacon of light with five or more players.
VirtuosoScore 80% or higher on a music sheet.
Prairie LegendMeet a certain legendary creature in Daylight Prairie.
Tag You're ItSneak up and touch a Dark Dragon's tail.
A New DawnBe reborn.