Jitsu Squad Trophy List
Here you can see the full list of trophies that can be obtained in Jitsu Squad.
This game includes 31 trophies:
Master of Jitsu SquadUnlock all other Trophies
Hero of the story...Finish the game with Hero
You will always be my Baby...Finish the game with Baby
And All That Jazz...Finish the game with Jazz
With a Pocket Full of Shells...Finish the game with Aros
Shinobi SenseiUnlock all special moves for Hero
Baby ChungusUnlock all special moves for Baby
Mardi GrasUnlock all special moves for Jazz
The BoarbarianUnlock all special moves for Aros
No Silver trophies!
Emaki MoshingDefeat the heard of emaki ninjas on the roof of the dojo
In the fleshDefeat Dash Kobayashi
Fish foodDefeat Balthazar
Suffer, like G did.Defeat Raven
Surfing on the lava!Defeat Dash Kobayashi in the lava surfing stage
Being cooler than coolDefeat Frost
That's gotta stingDefeat Slayer
Master of DisguiseDefeat Shade
Great ComboGet a combo chain of 75
Crushing ComboGet a combo chain of 150
Outstanding ComboGet a combo chain of 250
Sanshinsenkyoken!Perform a super special with Hero for the first time
Vulcan Assault!Perform a super special with Baby for the first time
Scorch Frogger!Perform a super special with Jazz for the first time
Teranis Inferno!Perform a super special with Aros for the first time
Fujin Strike!Enter fury mode with Hero for the first time
Rain of Pain!Enter fury mode with Baby for the first time
Amun Charge!Enter fury mode with Jazz for the first time
Odin Blades!Enter fury mode with Aros for the first time
Tanuki 100Get a parry chain of 100
A famous duoPickup the Yooka-Laylee assist
They chickened outTurn a boss into a chicken