King of the Hat Trophy List
Here you can see the full list of trophies that can be obtained in King of the Hat.
This game includes 36 trophies:
Platinum HatUnlock all other Trophies
Hat GodPlay 200 multiplayer games
Freedom!Beat Arcade Mode
Hat MasterBeat Arcade Mode on Hard
Richer than HatsMake $1,000,000 Money
King of the HatCrush 11 hats in a row
HabberdasherPlay 100 multiplayer games
Hat SniperBeat Golf with Fatcat
Meet the CastUnlock all characters
Hat Party ChaosUnlock all item blocks
Eyes on the PrizeMake $750,000 Money
UncrushableCrush 8 hats in a row
Ace MalaceWin 5-0 in a 1v1 in Last Hat Standing
Hat NoobiePlay 5 multiplayer games
Hat SquirePlay 10 multiplayer games
Hat KnightPlay 20 multiplayer games
Hat WizardPlay 50 multiplayer games
Hat CaddyBeat Golf with Birthday
Hat SlicerBeat Golf with Kiara
Hatlandia ExploredUnlock all levels of Hatlandian Hills
Fallen Kingdom ExploredUnlock all levels of Kiara's Castle
Cole's Place ExploredUnlock all levels of Cole's Place
Shrines of Hat ExploredUnlock all levels of Shrines of Hat
The Void ExploredUnlock all levels of The Void
The Factory ExploredUnlock all levels of Hat Factory
Cloud City ExploredUnlock all levels of Cloud City
Fatcat's Office ExploredUnlock all levels of Fatcat's Office
Super Hat Con ExploredUnlock all levels of Super Hat Con
On the RiseMake $100,000 Money
More Money, More ProblemsMake $250,000 Money
Halfway to FreedomMake $500,000 Money
EducatedComplete the Tutorial
Hat TrickCrush 3 hats in a row
Mad HatterCrush 5 hats in a row
Tactical HatPlay at 50% game speed
Turbo HatPlay at 150% game speed