Agatha Christie - Hercule Poirot: The London Case Trophy List
Here you can see the full list of trophies that can be obtained in Agatha Christie - Hercule Poirot: The London Case.
This game includes 47 trophies:
Super SleuthUnlock all trophies
The ShipComplete the Prologue
The ApartmentComplete Chapter 4
The SecretsComplete Chapter 7
The DenouementComplete Chapter 9
The Missing MagdaleneComplete Chapter 2
The Investigation BeginsComplete Chapter 3
The SuspectsComplete Chapter 6
The Investigation Starts AnewComplete Chapter 8
The GalaComplete Chapter 1
The SchemeComplete Chapter 5
Well-travelledVisit all locations in the game
Well-acquaintedMeet all characters in the game
Seeking the truthAsk 25 questions
Little grey cellsMake 10 deductions
Everything mattersPerform 10 analyses
Truth from withinCrack 3 safes
Little ideasSolve 5 match puzzles
Order and methodUse 10 items
A treasured heirloomWork out what happened to the cigarette case
An old friendSolve all of Zakariya's artwork challenges
A curious gatheringFind all evidence in the museum
An expert mediatorDiffuse some arguments
An odd series of eventsUnravel Culsham's chain of events
A rude awakeningAnnoy a politician
A curious phraseSolve the mystery of the note
A perilous journeyInspect all stations of the cross
A peculiar fellowUnravel Mortimer's movements
Impossible is possibleSolve 3 mind maps
The Penitent MagdaleneDeliver your findings
A true performanceDeliver your findings, flawlessly
Anastasia BabaninUncover a secret about Anastasia
Betty AllenUncover a secret about Betty
Ms. Camilla B. CulshamUncover a secret about Camilla
DI HardwickeUncover a secret about David
Evelyn Lakshmi WarbeckUncover a secret about Evelyn
Florence FarquharUncover a secret about Florence
Arthur HastingsUncover a secret about Hastings
Horace MountjoyUncover a secret about Horace
Irene Court-SmythUncover a secret about Irene
Johan KristiansenUncover a secret about Johan
Marc AllardUncover a secret about Marc
Mortimer AilsworthhyUncover a secret about Mortimer
Nathaniel DrydenUncover a secret about Nathaniel
Zakariya DemirUncover a secret about Zakariya
BartholomewFind a missing cat
PerkinsVisit a lonely dog