Cyber Hook Trophy List
Here you can see the full list of trophies that can be obtained in Cyber Hook.
This game includes 23 trophies:
PlatinumGot all the trophies
The thousandth "last try"Retry 1000 times
PERFECT perfectionistGet 3 stars for every level
Am birbFly for 100km
Better than united airlinesFly for 1000km
! SONIC BOOM !Go beyond 343km/h
Cyber HookedFinish the game
At least it's a "nice" numberDie 69 times
Saying no to the green stuffDestroy 420 cubes
I just missed once, ok ?!Retry 100 times
JUST A FEW MORE FRAMES !Clear a level 10 times
That's a 10Get 3 crystals on a level
Relief at last!Clear a level after retrying 10 times
Simple perfectionistGet 1 star for every level
Cool perfectionistGet 2 stars for every level
Ain't got timewarp for thatClear a level without using timewarp
Casually running a marathonRun 42 km
Getting startedFirst tutorial cleared
Getting realFull tutorial cleared
It's personnalBeat your personal best time on a level
Snoopin on the prosWatch a top 3 replay
Isn't it a bit narcissistic ?Watch your own replay
Yep, that kills youDie once