Chained Echoes Trophy List
Here you can see the full list of trophies that can be obtained in Chained Echoes.
This game includes 38 trophies:
PlatinumUnlock all trophies.
True KingBeat the game.
God KingSlay the ultimate boss.
Reward Cartel BossComplete the Reward Board.
The BeginningFinish the prologue.
Act RacerFinish act I.
Next StepsFinish act II.
Bad MemoriesFinish act III.
One of UsFind all recruits.
A Blade RunnerGet all ultimate weapons.
Reward DealerGet a Reward Board chain of over 120.
Walking Killing MachineComplete the bestiary.
Endangered SpeciesDefeat all Unique Monsters.
Side TrackerFinish all side quests.
Walking LibraryRead all lore books.
Brutal BattlerWin 200 battles.
Preacher ManFind 12 Class Emblems.
Uncanny ExpertiseLearn all skills for Tomke.
Skill ShareLearn all skills with all characters.
Jack of All TradesMaster all Sky Armor weapons with one Sky Armor.
Sky ChampionReclaim your Sky Armor.
Hitchcock was RightDisturb 60 birds.
Bargain HunterBuy all Deals.
Reward StarterGet a Reward Board chain of over 5.
Reward AddictGet a Reward Board chain of over 20.
Reward JunkieGet a Reward Board chain of over 40.
Reward MixerGet a Reward Board chain of over 80.
Ahoy ye HeartieJoin the Adventurer’s Guild.
InfleeencerFlee 42 times.
Death to My EnemiesWin 50 battles.
Winning StreakWin 100 battles.
PrayingFind a Class Emblem.
Son of a Preacher ManFind 6 Class Emblems.
Oh Crab!Find the Crab Village.
The Platypus’ MindFind the platypus gang’s treasure.
Customer is KingSell 1 piece of crap.
Class MasterMaster a Class Emblem skill.
Master of OneMaster a Sky Armor weapon.