XIII Trophy List
Here you can see the full list of trophies that can be obtained in XIII.
This game includes 40 trophies:
Ultimate XIIIObtain all the trophies of the game.
Authentic XIII AgentComplete the campaign on the highest difficulty.
UntouchableComplete a level without being damaged.
Now I understandFind all the documents.
Catch them allFind all collectible items.
Made it!Complete the campaign on medium difficulty
Davy Jones LockerHave XIII drown.
Stealth masterEliminate 5 enemies in a row without alerting them.
Join the CreedStab 15 enemies from behind without being noticed.
Finish himDestroy the armor of a fully armored enemy, then kill him with a melee attack.
Authentic cowboyEliminate 6 enemies with one magazine of the Revolver.
Monster killKill 4 enemies at once with the Bazooka.
Last wordEmpty the Revolver using the alternative fire mode without missing any shots.
Sting like a beeDestroy a punching bag.
That was easy!Complete the campaign on easy difficulty
PacifistMake it through a level without shooting anyone.
Get goodDie more than 25 times.
HeadhunterEliminate 15 enemies with a headshot in one level.
Tough guyEliminate 5 enemies with your fists in a row.
InvincibleEliminate 10 enemies without getting hurt.
Medic!Find 10 medkits.
Do you feel lucky?Kill an enemy with the last bullet of the revolver.
Sniper expertEliminate 5 enemies in a row with the Dragunov.
Boom! All dead!Eliminate 3 or more enemies with one grenade.
Open sesameUnlock 15 doors.
Hard to killGet 20 pieces of armor.
I am a tank nowGet full armor.
Friendly neighbourhoodSwings from a grappling hook to another 3 times without touching the floor.
Bar fighterEliminate 20 enemies with improvised weapons.
Spring breakCrash everything at the beach house.
Pass outReach the truck in Brighton Beach.
Expert PilotEscape the Canyons on a jet.
Get to the choppaComplete the Sanctuary cliff section in under 3 minutes.
Not so secret nowFind the secret entrance to the Sanctuary.
Infiltration CompletedFind a way into Emerald Base.
Yet Another MysteryFind your first document
Amateur InvestigatorFind 5 documents
Private eyeFind 10 documents.
I know too muchFind 15 documents.
Treasure foundFind your first collectable item.