WHAT THE BAT? Trophy List
Here you can see the full list of trophies that can be obtained in WHAT THE BAT?.
This game includes 13 trophies:
No Platinum trophies!
SpaceComplete the chapter “Space”.
Right off the BatComplete the chapter “Right off the Bat”.
Baby StepsComplete the chapter “Baby Steps”.
Teen YearsComplete the chapter “Teen Years”.
BatvilleComplete the chapter “Batville”.
Fixing the HomeComplete the chapter “Fixing the Home”.
Back to BatvilleComplete the chapter “Back to Batville”.
Museum of Bat ArtComplete the chapter “Museum of Bat Art”.
Country LivingComplete the chapter “Country Living”.
IslandComplete the chapter “Island”.
Trophy HunterKnock over 100 trophies.
The Great Chicken EscapeIt's like an oven in here.
Tasty ArtBatty gets hungry while visiting the museum - look for a snack!