Shotgun King: The Final Checkmate Trophy List
Here you can see the full list of trophies that can be obtained in Shotgun King: The Final Checkmate.
This game includes 31 trophies:
ExorcisedKill The Red Book
BulletBeat Throne mode in less than 2 minutes
Iron KingBeat Throne mode without using a folly shield
WidowBeat Throne mode without killing a queen
Rank 15Finish throne at rank 15
BlitzBeat Throne mode in less than 5 minutes
WizardHave 3 Magic Wands
HumiliationKill the white king by hopping on him
How It Should BeHave 2 knights, 2 rooks, 2 bishops, 1 queen, 1 king, and 8 pawns on the enemy field
She Is EverywhereHave 5+ queens on the board at one time
Your Wife My WifeGrab the queen and carry her to the square you start the round on
GluttonyHave 20+ ammo
Mr President!Make a rook save the king from a flying piece
Rank 5Finish throne at rank 5
Rank 10Finish throne at rank 10
Full SetHave 10 black cards
CompleteKill The White King
SolomonBeat throne mode with this shotgun
VictoriaBeat throne mode with this shotgun
Ramesses IIBeat throne mode with this shotgun
Richard IIIBeat throne mode with this shotgun
MakedaBeat throne mode with this shotgun
A Velvet GloveFinish a floor without killing any non-leader piece
DeletedFinish a floor by turn 6
IncarnationFinish a floor moving only with souls
Projectile DysfunctionHave more ammo in your clip than in your max reserves
Hope This HitsHave an arc of 120 or higher
Underpressure AmmoHave a firepower equal to 1
You Shall Not PassBeat Throne mode without letting a pawn promote
LifeguardPush a piece out of the moat