Shipwreck Escape Trophy List

Here you can see the full list of trophies that can be obtained in Shipwreck Escape.

This game includes 17 trophies:

Shipwreck Escape platinum trophy   - PLATINUM (0) Shipwreck Escape gold trophy   - GOLD (2) Shipwreck Escape silver trophy   - SILVER (6) Shipwreck Escape bronze trophy   - BRONZE (9)
No Platinum trophies!
Shipwreck Escape platinum trophy list
gold trophy GOLD TROPHIES
SurvivorFinish Game.
Escape ArtistFinish Game without dying
Shipwreck Escape gold trophy list
silver trophy SILVER TROPHIES
One step CloserFinished chapter 1 levels.
Hang in ThereFinished chapter 2 levels.
Almost ThereFinished chapter 3 levels.
Light at the End of the TunnelFinished chapter 4 levels.
Rescue watchSaved first passenger on regular level.
Knight Of PerseveranceDie 20 times.
Shipwreck Escape silver trophy list
bronze trophyBRONZE TROPHIES
ShipwreckedIntro finished and ship just got wrecked.
Training Wheels OffFinished Tutorial.
First bloodDied first time.
TeamworkPartner up.
Fire burnBurned by fire on regular level.
Steam burnBurned by hot steam on regular level.
Electric shockReceived electric shock on regular level.
DoormanUnlocked first door on regular level.
FiremanUsed fire extinguisher at least once.
Shipwreck Escape bronze trophy list

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