SEASON: A letter to the future Trophy List
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Here you can see the full list of trophies that can be obtained in SEASON: A letter to the future.
This game includes 16 trophies:
No Platinum trophies!
The EndWitness the end of a season
Deep ListenerFind a hidden botanical voice
Grey Hands Praxis 101Begin your political education
Love UncovererUncover some kind of secret romance
Graffiti ArtistLeave a mark on Tieng Valley
Journal BeautifierCompletely customize a page in your journal
Dream ListenerListen to your friend's weird but meaningful dream
Music for CowsPlay a herd of cows their favorite genre of music
Tour de TiengFollow a little kid on a bike tour of the valley
Home LeaverA journey of a thousand seasons begins with a single step
Outside World SeerSee the outside world before it's gone
Stranger EncountererEncounter a stranger and have a pleasant interaction
Emotional Baggage HandlerHelp Sophon pack the last of her things
Artist AssistantCapture Tieng Valley in a moment
Shrine ArriverArrive at the Shrine
Goodbye Tieng ValleyExit the Valley before the flood enters it