PROJECT ZERO: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse Trophy List
Here you can see the full list of trophies that can be obtained in PROJECT ZERO: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse.
This game includes 41 trophies:
Full EclipseObtain all trophies for "FATAL FRAME: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse".
Moonlit GlassUpgrade all Lenses to the highest level.
Fatal FrameClear Final Phase on Nightmare difficulty.
InfinityObtain the highest rank in all missions.
OptimalObtain the Optimal upgrade.
Souls Return to the Hallowed RealmClear Final Phase on Hard difficulty.
Voice of the VoicelessCollect all notes, diaries, Spirit Radio recordings, and cassette tapes.
Search for the Faint and HiddenTake a photo of all revenants.
Chasing ShadowsTake a photo of all specters.
Hozuki Dolls in MemoriamTake a photo of all Hozuki dolls.
Master of Photography: RukaUpgrade all of the Camera Obscura's basic abilities to the highest level for Ruka.
Master of Photography: MisakiUpgrade all of the Camera Obscura's basic abilities to the highest level for Misaki.
Master of the Flashlight: ChoshiroUpgrade all of the Spirit Stone Flashlight's basic abilities to the highest level.
Taming the SpiritsTake a photo of all wraiths.
Exorcist SupremeExecute a special kill 100 times.
Bringing the Soul to the MoonClear Final Phase on Normal difficulty or below.
BlossomingClear Prelude.
The SummoningClear Phase I.
ResonanceClear Phase II.
The Lost DayClear Phase III.
VoidClear Phase IV.
Twin FacesClear Phase V.
MoonsongClear Phase VI.
TranquilityClear Phase VII.
SakuyaClear Phase VIII.
DescentClear Phase IX.
Fallen PetalsClear Phase X.
EclipseClear Phase XI.
Hallowed RealmClear Final Phase.
Photography Apprentice: RukaUpgrade the Camera Obscura for the first time with Ruka.
Photography Apprentice: MisakiUpgrade the Camera Obscura for the first time with Misaki.
Flashlight Apprentice: ChoshiroUpgrade the Spirit Stone Flashlight for the first time.
Lens Enthusiast: RukaUpgrade aCamera Obscura Lens for the first time with Ruka.
Lens Enthusiast: MisakiUpgrade aCamera Obscura Lens for the first time with Misaki.
Lens Enthusiast: ChoshiroUpgrade the Spirit Stone Flashlight's Lens for the first time.
In Full BloomTake 10 photos of blossomed wraiths.
Touch Me NotEvade ghost hand 5 times.
Split-Second ShotsReach a combo of 3 or higher during Fatal Time.
Three Ghosts, One ShotAttack 3 wraiths at the same time.
Memories of RogetsuOpened Snap Mode for the first time.
First KillDefeat a wraith for the first time.