Opus Castle Trophy List

Here you can see the full list of trophies that can be obtained in Opus Castle.

This game includes 19 trophies:

Opus Castle platinum trophy   - PLATINUM (0) Opus Castle gold trophy   - GOLD (2) Opus Castle silver trophy   - SILVER (5) Opus Castle bronze trophy   - BRONZE (12)
No Platinum trophies!
Opus Castle platinum trophy list
gold trophy GOLD TROPHIES
Learn a littleCollect the invocation tape
Quick on trigger (DLC)Pass through the quick event without dying
Opus Castle gold trophy list
silver trophy SILVER TROPHIES
Punch in the faceFinal Suit
Coming right towards youEnding Room of Álvaro
By candlelightEnding Dinner room
Ding DongFinal Office Room
Finding the source (DLC) Access the memory that tells Alice's story
Opus Castle silver trophy list
bronze trophyBRONZE TROPHIES
Welcome to São PauloGet run over
Knowing the NeighbourhoodGive a look around on the town
Couple's secretsEnter the suite
Old brother's secretsEnter Alvaro's bedroom
Best place in the houseEnter the dinner room
Trying to run, huh?Go to the entrance
Party with no limitsDrink until fall
Helping the demon (DLC)Help Alice to find her doll
Denying help to the demon (DLC)Don't help Alice to find her doll
It's just a peek (DLC)Convince the mother look through the door
Invocation Tape (DLC)Collect the invocation tape
Chess player (DLC)Win the chess match
Opus Castle bronze trophy list

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