Lootbox Lyfe+ Trophy List

Here you can see the full list of trophies that can be obtained in Lootbox Lyfe+.

This game includes 30 trophies:

Lootbox Lyfe+ platinum trophy   - PLATINUM (1) Lootbox Lyfe+ gold trophy   - GOLD (5) Lootbox Lyfe+ silver trophy   - SILVER (15) Lootbox Lyfe+ bronze trophy   - BRONZE (9)
platinum trophy PLATINUM TROPHY
Peak LiamNo other Liam peaked as much as this one.
Lootbox Lyfe+ platinum trophy list
gold trophy GOLD TROPHIES
Died 50 TimesYou're getting good at dying.
Find the Peeled XoobotlThat must hurt.
Get the Diamond LootboxCongratulations, you beat the game!
Seen All CutscenesWhat an emotional story.
Exploring MachineBeat the game in Free Roam mode.
Lootbox Lyfe+ gold trophy list
silver trophy SILVER TROPHIES
Entered a Dark WorldYou jumped into a scary looking portal without remorse.
Found the Shady CaveI heard that this is where all those sketchy dudes hang out.
Found the Very Shady CaveI heard that this is where all those very sketchy dudes hang out.
Obtained the Gem DashGo climb a mountain!
Sketchy SightingSaw a sketchy dude for the first time.
Found Xoob's BridgeWhat a wonderful name for a bridge.
Died 10 TimesIt’s getting hard.
Got 50% of all LootboxesAt least in this game they're free.
Made it to the GardenLooks like a fever dream.
Made it to the Unnamed RavineIt's unnamed because someone was forgetful.
Made it to the Mountain BaseThe center of the world (not really).
Made it to the CimaToo bad balls can't put on jackets.
Made it to the RuinsThese look awfully nice for being abandoned.
Made it to the Shadow LairNow these dudes are the sketchiest.
Talk to the EggEgg.
Lootbox Lyfe+ silver trophy list
bronze trophyBRONZE TROPHIES
First HitObtained your first lootbox.
Shot in the FaceYou got Liam shot in the face (not that they have any other body part).
Got RockedA queen fan just burst into song.
Read a SignYou just proved you're literate.
Got a CoinYou are now the proud owner of a generic collectible.
First BloodFirst of many.
Found a CheckpointNow you can die in peace.
Buy a HatGotta make Liam look their best.
Get a Juice SyringeThis is definitely safe to use.
Lootbox Lyfe+ bronze trophy list

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