Grime Trophy List
Here you can see the full list of trophies that can be obtained in Grime.
This game includes 35 trophies:
Spiral HeartUnlock all trophys.
KinshipFinish the game.
WeaknessGet the vessel ending.
Unwrap the GiftUnlock the barrier.
BreathReach max breath capacity.
WeeperDefeat Amalgam.
Hunt DownDefeated Misbegotten Amalgam.
Silenced WhispersDefeat the Whispering Mothers.
FeastDefeat Vulture.
ShapelyDefeat Fidus.
CelebrationWitness the Final Performance.
InevitableDefeat Shidra.
AssimilationAquire all traits.
All-SeeingActivate all beacons.
BloodhunterFind all hunt points.
SkinmakerAquire all outfits.
InstrumentsAquire all weapons.
HarmlessDefeat the Harmless Rockgiant.
HushDefeat the Grieving Rockgiant.
JawcrabDefeat the Jawcrab.
JawstagDefeat the Jawstag.
WatcherDefeat the Desert Watcher.
ArtisanDefeat the Artisan of Flesh.
ImprintActivate the first surrogate.
TasteComplete a trait.
The HuntGain a hunt point.
Sharpened VesselReach level 30.
BreathsmithFully upgrade a weapon.
YankPull an enemy.
DevourerAbsorb 100 prey.
PredatorDiscover all prey.
PassageUnlock all Nervepasses.
ProportionsComplete Yon's story arc.
RavenousReach 100 Ardor.
GenerousAccept all of the Coda's gifts.