God of War Ragnarök Trophy List
Here you can see the full list of trophies that can be obtained in God of War Ragnarök.
This game includes 36 trophies:
The Bear and the WolfCollect all Trophies
Ready for CommitmentFully upgrade one armor set
RagnarökBattle the All-Father
Grave MistakeBattle King Hrólf
The True QueenBattle Gná
Spartan WaysRemember the Spartan teachings
Full BellyObtain all of the Apples of Iðunn and Horns of Blood Mead
PhalanxObtain all Shields
CollectorObtain all Relics and Sword Hilts
Dragon SlayerCraft the Dragon Scaled Armor Set
How it's GoingFully repair the Amulet of Yggdrasil
Funeral for a FriendAttend the funeral
Full GufaFree the Hafgufas
Making AmendsFree the Lyngbakr
It Was a Good DayRetrieve Mardöll
Invasive SpeciesComplete all of the Crater Hunts
BestiesPet Speki and Svanna
Rightful PlaceReturn all the Lindwyrms to Ratatoskr
Pure of HartReturn the Stags of the Four Seasons
Trials by FireComplete the Trials of Muspelheim
The FloristCollect one flower from each of the nine realms
The LibrarianCollect all of the Books
The CuratorCollect all of the Artifacts
How it StartedEquip an Enchantment
Spit ShineUpgrade one piece of armor
Knock off the RustPurchase a Skill
A Grizzly EncounterBattle the Bear
Blood DebtBattle the God of Thunder
Backyard BrawlBattle the Mysterious Valkyrie
Root of the ProblemBattle Níðhögg
The CauldronDestroy Grýla's cauldron
Off the LeashBattle Garm
ComeuppanceBattle Heimdall
Better TogetherBattle Hrist and Mist
Rebel LeaderReturn the Hammer of the Rebellion
New FriendsFetch Lúnda's orb