Fight'N Rage Trophy List
Here you can see the full list of trophies that can be obtained in Fight'N Rage.
This game includes 21 trophies:
Fight'N Rage GodCrush the game getting all trophies.
Gal CompletionistGet all Gal's Costumes.
F.Norris CompletionistGet all F.Norris' Costumes.
Ricardo CompletionistGet all Ricardo's Costumes.
Ending Completionist 50%Discover the 50% of the Endings.
Score Attack MasterGet Rank S with All Characters at Score Attack Mode.
Ending Completionist 100%Discover All the Endings.
Time Attack MasterGet Rank S with All Characters at Time Attack Mode.
Survival MasterGet Rank S with All Characters at Survival Mode.
Hardcore PlayerFinish the game at Hardest Difficulty.
Mastered GalGet the Gal's Black Belt.
Faster!Finish the game playing at any Extra Speed.
Mastered RicardoGet the Ricardo's Black Belt.
Mastered F.NorrisGet the F.Norris' Black Belt.
RecruiterGet All Characters.
Ending Completionist 25%Discover the 25% of the Endings.
Complement CompletionistGet All Complements.
Good EnoughFinish the game at Normal Difficulty.
One Credit ClearFinish the game without use continues at Normal Difficulty or Harder.
Child's PlayFinish the game at Easy Difficulty.
More Than GoodFinish the game at Hard Difficulty.