Dungeons of Hinterberg Trophy List
Here you can see the full list of trophies that can be obtained in Dungeons of Hinterberg.
This game includes 51 trophies:
All Trophies obtainedObtained all Trophies in "Dungeons of Hinterberg".
Hinterberg HeroStop Mayor Wagner.
CollectorFind all Commemorative Coins.
Dazzling!Find 20 Commemorative Coins.
EnvironmentalistSell 300 pieces of trash.
AltruistSave Hannah's Shop.
Grove TroveOpen all locked chests in Hinterwald.
Honorary MonsterComplete the Monster Club quest.
Utility BeltEquip 15 Charms at once.
Conduit CollectorUse 12 different Attack Conduits.
All That GlittersHave 1,000,000 Hinterbucks.
Still ShakingComplete the Beginner Dungeon.
Double TroubleComplete 2 dungeons.
Beginner SlayerComplete 5 dungeons.
Intermediate SlayerComplete 10 dungeons.
Renowned SlayerComplete 20 dungeons.
CompletionistComplete every dungeon.
BuddiesBecome "Buddies" with someone.
Something RottenComplete the secret dungeon.
DetectiveUncover Mayor Wagner's plan.
Town SurvivorMake it through the Monster Rampage.
Shiny!Find a Commemorative Coin.
Sparkly!Find 5 Commemorative Coins.
Shimmery!Find 10 Commemorative Coins.
Furry FriendGet acquainted with a dog.
Unlocking PotentialUnlock the third Attack Conduit slot.
Dance of DeathUnlock the Combo Counter.
IntrovertSpend 3 evenings alone.
Generous SpiritGive someone a gift they really like.
EfficiencyShrink a Charm down to one slot.
EnchantingEnchant three swords.
Night OwlStay up late three times.
Tough and BuffUpgrade one piece of every kind of armor.
Animal LoverFeed a cow.
Water you looking for?Find the chest hidden behind the waterfall.
CharmedCompletely fill your charm stack, with no gaps or empty spaces.
SocialiteSpend an evening at the Grand Hotel.
Friendly OverturesReach "Friends" level with three people.
Running on FumesFinish a dungeon while tired.
Social ButterflyMeet everyone listed in Alex's notes.
Just ChillingSpend the afternoon at three different Scenic Spots.
VirtuosoUse 7 different Attack Conduits.
We Are AmusedReach 200 Amusement.
RelaxpertReach 200 Relaxation.
Heart to HeartComplete a relationship with one person.
SlayerSlay 100 monsters.
Top ModelTake a selfie in an Outfit.
FashionistaOwn 5 Outfits.
Style IconOwn 10 Outfits.
Super StrengthReach 300 Physical Attack.
Dressed like a ProEquip all Pro Slayer armor parts.