ATONE: Heart of the Elder Tree Trophy List
Here you can see the full list of trophies that can be obtained in ATONE: Heart of the Elder Tree.
This game includes 64 trophies:
ATONEGet all the achievements
ValkyrieUnlock 13 battles.
God of WarBattle Freya.
Stumped to DeathSolve the Stumped to Death puzzle.
You've Changed Your TuneHelp Dallr tune his lute.
Like Father, Like DaughterTrain with Estra.
A Broken ManBattle Sven.
Lost and FoundBattle Old Man Wulf.
Vengeful SpiritProtect the Elder Tree.
King of the HillBattle the Ice King.
Dire WolvesBattle Hati and Skoll.
A Skeleton in the ClosetBattle Viktor.
A Fractured HeartBattle Buldr.
Thunder GooaatBattle Tanngrisnir.
The TricksterBattle Loki.
Good RiddanccceObtain Jörm's venom.
A Father's KeepsakeObtain Mayweed from Sven.
Last Woman StandingSometimes sacrifice is necessary to save the world.
Heroes Never DieIt's over. You can go home now.
BloodtrackBlood of Náströnd
Heart of GoldAid Blue Heart in her task.
MastermindComplete all of Isa's puzzles.
GridSolve the Grid puzzle.
StumpedSolve the Stumped puzzle.
Stumped AgainSolve the Stumped Again puzzle.
Jumbled DivideSolve the Jumbled Divide puzzle.
Jumbled FreedomSolve the Jumbled Freedom puzzle.
Above and BelowSolve the Above and Below puzzle.
BookwormRead 20 Story Nodes or Books.
MagpieCarry 1250 coins.
A Snake in the GrassBattle Jörm.
Spare the DyingTalk Sven from his Blue Vein state.
Who Sits Where?Solve the Who Sits Where? puzzle.
Gulli's PuzzleSolve Gulli's Puzzle.
GriddledSolve the Griddled puzzle.
The Unsolvable PuzzleSolve The Unsolvable Puzzle.
Shard of GungnirFind a small piece of Odin's spear.
SvalinnFind the famous tiny shield.
Lost PropertyReturn Eiryn's knife to its rightful owner.
The End of the LineGoodbye little friend.
A Child in NeedSave Forsetti from her fate.
A Father's PoemBuldr and Forsetti come to Yri's aid.
Reveal YourselfAnswer all of Veldin's questions correctly.
Independence DaySet Eiryn on her own path.
The AlchemistCollect all the Magic Mead ingredients.
All or NothingDrink the Magic Mead.
How Many?Solve the How Many? puzzle.
RagnarökThis is the end.
BlockadeSolve the Blockade puzzle.
TrackedSolve the Tracked puzzle.
GroupedSolve the Grouped puzzle.
Water RunesSolve the Water Runes puzzle.
Throwing a Hissy FitObtain Odin's Ring from Jörm.
Two FacedBattle Heldi.
NumbskullBattle Skullhorn.
All FatherScore 6500 points against Odin.
Tune my FistScore 6500 points against Dallr.
G.O.A.TGet a 90% hit rate against Tanngrisnir in Arena.
WINNINGScore more than 10,000 points on any battle.
NoviceGet a 90% hit rate on any Arena battle.
ApprenticeGet a 90% hit rate on at least 5 arena battles.
ExpertGet a 90% hit rate on at least 10 arena battles.
LegendGet a 90% hit rate on at least 15 arena battles.
Granny StepsFight your first Arena battle.