Aery - Last Day of Earth Trophy List

Here you can see the full list of trophies that can be obtained in Aery - Last Day of Earth.

This game includes 13 trophies:

Aery - Last Day of Earth platinum trophy   - PLATINUM (1) Aery - Last Day of Earth gold trophy   - GOLD (11) Aery - Last Day of Earth silver trophy   - SILVER (1) Aery - Last Day of Earth bronze trophy   - BRONZE (0)
platinum trophy PLATINUM TROPHY
All for OneFinish All Levels
Aery - Last Day of Earth platinum trophy list
gold trophy GOLD TROPHIES
MeteorFinish Level 2
WavesFinish Level 3
VolcanoFinish Level 4
Ice AgeFinish Level 5
Outer SpaceFinish Level 6
InfectionFinish Level 7
WarFinish Level 8
Nuclear StormFinish Level 9
PollutionFinish Level 10
NirvanaFinish Level 11
The EndFinish Level 12
Aery - Last Day of Earth gold trophy list
silver trophy SILVER TROPHIES
String TheoryFinish Level 1
Aery - Last Day of Earth silver trophy list
No Bronze trophies!
Aery - Last Day of Earth bronze trophy list

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