Adrian's Tale Trophy List

Here you can see the full list of trophies that can be obtained in Adrian's Tale.

This game includes 17 trophies:

Adrian's Tale platinum trophy   - PLATINUM (1) Adrian's Tale gold trophy   - GOLD (10) Adrian's Tale silver trophy   - SILVER (3) Adrian's Tale bronze trophy   - BRONZE (3)
platinum trophy PLATINUM TROPHY
GreatBig Boy!
Adrian's Tale platinum trophy list
gold trophy GOLD TROPHIES
MeowKitten rescued
Roads?Where we're going, we don't need roads
DiscovererIn the middle of the grass
Pieces of balloonsFind all balloons
ParadoxLife is beautiful!
Jail breakRescue
StingyGold Gold Gold! Collect 500 coins
MercyLittle Vampire
Adrian's Tale gold trophy list
silver trophy SILVER TROPHIES
ThiefProtect your coins
The thief wonLose coins
Paper boatHelp boy to set sail the boat
Adrian's Tale silver trophy list
bronze trophyBRONZE TROPHIES
MapKnow where you're going
No more leavesStreet janitor
Sweet fruitFeed the donkey
Adrian's Tale bronze trophy list

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Sophstar Trophy List


Rule No. 1 Trophy List