Star Wars Jedi Survivor Path Of Restoration Puzzle Solution

You can find the Path Of Restoration Puzzle by going to Koboh > Narkis Desert > Anchorite Base and heading to the left.

Once you arrive, jump across the platforms to get to the middle one (the one with bricks on the wall). Here, look around the corner to the left and pull the orb towards you. Then, jump across to the climable wall to get to the platform on your right. Here, push the orb to the other end.

Now, jump back to the middle platform and then to the platform with the long vertical climable wall. Climb it, enter the cave at the top and push the ball.

Next, climb back down and push the orb at the bottom of the climable wall. Then, push back the very first ball you pulled. Finally, jump across to the platform with the climable wall again to push the ball to the top. You can then climb up by climbing the wall that you used to get to the cave. At the top push the ball one more time to finish the puzzle.

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