Bayonetta 3 All Collectible Locations

In this guide we will show you the location of all collectibles available to find in Bayonetta 3. These include all Umbran Tears, Card Pack, Figure Boxes, Broken Witch Hearts, Broken Moon Pearls, Medallion Shards, Echoes Of Memory…

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Below you can find the location of every collectible found in Bayonetta 3. These include all Umbran Tears, Card Pack, Figure Boxes, Broken Witch Hearts, Broken Moon Pearls, Medallion Shards, Echoes Of Memory…

Chapter 1

Medallion Shard. From the very start, turn around 180º and go to the cliff on your left. Now look for some broken stairs below you. Go to the bottom of them and break the “chest” at the bottom to get the medallion shard.

Figure Box. At the very start, before heading up the hill to continue on the main path, head to the left just before the path and drop down to find the box.

Echoes Of Memory (The Isle Between(1)). Destroy the wall of the round building to the right after going up the hill from the start.

Card Pack. After going up the hill, look to the right to find a round building. The card pack will be on a branch the other side.

Broken Witch Heart. From the card pack, turn around and go in to the purple light and finish the challenge to get the Broken Witch Heart.

Card Pack. Go towards the waterfall and jump on to the first round platform. Follow the platforms to the top to get the card pack.

Broken Witch Heart. Continue through the level until you have another battle with enemies. After the battle stick to the left and go to the end to find a massive key. Take this key back to the bottom of the waterfall in the previous area to access the chest with the broken witch heart.

Umbran Tear (Cat). Once you take control of Bayonetta in Shibuya, go to the left and where you can find some ruble under a building. Here you will find a black cat. Once you catch the cat you will get the Umbran Tear.

Broken Moon Pearl. From where you start controlling Bayonetta in Shibuya, go to the right and finish the challenge to get the Pearl.

Echoes Of Memory (Bowl-Off). From the start of Shibuya, go up the 2nd street to the right. Here you will encounter a new type of enemy. Once you get to the enemy you will be able to control the flow of time. Use it to go back in time up to the point where the rubble from the building form platforms allowing you to get to the top of the building to get the collectible.

Figure Box. To the right of the enemy that allows you to change the flow of time.

Figure Box. In the train section to the left of the entrance to the 101 tower.

Heavenly Light (Affinity). Once you get to the area outside the 101 tower, jump up to the building on your left. Then get to the high part and glide all the way to the building on the other side of the road. Here you will find a light. Complete the challenge to unlock the "Affinity" entry in "The Hierarchy Of Laguna".

Card Pack. To the right of the heavenly light.

Figure Box. From the previous collectible, jump on to the floating train. Then jump to the lower roof of the 101 tower. Next jump on to the billboard and then on to the top of the tower to find the collectible.

Card Pack. Jump down to the entrance to of the 101 tower. Now go up the stairs on the side to find the card pack.

Umbran Tear (Frog). After coming out the other side of tower 101 you will find the frog on the round sign to the right.

Broken Witch Heart. Finish the challenge found down the street to the left of the shop.

Card Pack. Once you get in to the sewer tunnels you will find a card pack on your right close to the start.

Umbran Tear (Bird). In plain sight on the other side of the open round area in the sewers. You will have to chase it like you did with the cat.

Figure Box. On the metal stairs that head down from the area with the bird.

Echoes Of Memory (A Mysterious Flyer). In the big room with columns in the sewers.

Full Witch Heart. Catch the bug in the box on the train tracks.

📝 This one is hard to miss since the game will show you a tutorial.

Chapter 2

Heavenly Light. In plain sight to the right as soon as you start the chapter.

Record. At the very start of the chapter on one of the train platforms.

Figure Box. Inside the train on the opposite side from the previous collectible.

Broken Witch Heart. Drop down in to the open area and go past the round building. Here you will see a chest in the road. Collect the fragments to get the heart piece.

Crow Umbran Tear Of Blood. On the round building in the center of the first open area.

Broken Witch Heart. Look for a scurrier on the building to your left (from where the crow was). Then hit it to get the witch heart.

Card Pack. In the open area, nect to the big building to the right of the trucks.

Cat Umbran Tear Of Blood. Next to the trucks in the first open area.

Broken Moon Shard. In the same open area, climb the building just to the right of the massive screen. Once at the top you can find a challenge behind the billboards. Finish the challenge to get the collectible.

Broken Witch Heart. Use the spider summon to break the chest above the flames found next to the building to the left in the first open area.

Broken Witch Heart. From the shop, turn around and head back to where you had the previous fight. Here stick to the building on your left to find an alley with a challenge. Finish the challenge to get the witch heart.

Broken Witch Heart. During the section where you control the spider you will see a chest on a helipad to the right. The heart piece is in the chest.

Echoes Of Memories. Soon after the helipad you will see a highway on it’s side to your left. Go to the end of it to find the collectible next to some enemies.

Figure Box. A bit later on during the spider section you will go across a building that makes a "bridge" the figure can be found on the side of the building.

Figure Box. To the left as soon as you get in to the parking lot with the spider.

Figure Box. As soon as you finish the spider section, turn around and hit the box on top of the rubble. Then follow the platforms to get the collectible.

Frog Umbran Tear. As soon as you finish the spider section, head forward a little and look to the rubble on your left to find the frog.

Chapter 3

Figure Box. At the end of the second platform (the one with the 3 trees on it) drop down to find the figure box.

Heavenly Light. From the previous collectible, jump across to the platform to the right. Here break the square to get some platforms to spawn. Follow the platforms in to a cave where you will find the heavenly light.

Figure Box. Inside the train just past the previous Heavenly light.

Frog Umbran Tear Of Blood. Just past the train where the previous collectible was found.

Broken Moon Pearl. Return to the start of the level and go to the second platform with the 3 trees on it. Here you will see a chest floating around to your left. Break it to get the Moon Pearl.

Crow Umbran Tear Of Blood. From the previous chest, head up the hill to the right where you will find the crow.

Broken Moon Pearl. From the crow, head up to the next area. Then jump on to the roof of the building to your left to find the challenge.

Echoes Of Memory (A Classic Tune). Jump off the left side of the building where you got the previous collectible. Then go to the end of the building to find the collectible around the corner.

Card Pack. Soon after the previous collectible you will come to a massive open area. At the end of the open area you can find a pack of cards next to the building on the right.

Record. Inbetween the buildings on the other side of the street just before going up the hill where you see the massive monster.

Cat Umbran Tear Of Blood. Just after going up the hill where you see the massive monster you will see the cat next to the long building to your left.

Broken Witch Heart. Go to the end of the long building where you first see the cat. Then look behind the buildings to your right to find a challange. Finish the challenge to get the heart piece.

Broken Witch Heart. From the previous challenge, head back through the small buildings and then go straight to find a chest. Open the chest to reveal an enemy. Deaft it to get the heart piece.

Broken Witch Heart. Jump up to the roof of the building to your left (from the previous chest). Here you will find a scurrier. Kill it to get the heart piece.

Figure Box. In the corner behind the tents on your left as soon as you enter the boss area.

Figure Box. Found in the next corner after the previous collectible if you go around the area clockwise.

Echoes Of Memory (Remnants Of Memory). In the area where you fight the boss, jump up to the right and use the enemy to rewind time. Go back in time about half way so that the parts of the broken bridge make platforms that you can jump up to get the collectible on top.

Broken Witch Heart. In the area where you fight the boss, you will see a chest on the other side of the mist. To get it, use a summon and get him/her to attack the chest while standing as close to the mist wall as possible.

Broken Witch Heart. In a chest to the left of the building just before you reach the shop.

Card Pack. Behind the tents next to the shop.

Card Pack. On one of the buildings to the left soon after starting the section with the new character in the rooftops.

Figure Box. After a cutscene during the section where you are running from the mist, you can find the collectible in plain sight on an oriental looking mural.

Figure Box. After the oriental buildings you will jump across some skyscrapers. Keep to the left and you will find the collectible behind a little structure on a roof.

Side Chapter 1

Echoes Of Memory. As soon as you drop down the hole behind the big enemy, go to the left in the water to find the collectible.

Echoes Of Memory. Go straight down from the previous collectible and go left to find the secret water passage (this is also a challenge). Down here you will find the collectible.

Figure Box. After getting out of the water and using a switch that moves some boxes that you can climb up, go up 2 floors and go left where the lasers are. Use the vents to get to the collectible.

Figure Box. After breaking a box on the ceiling to disable some lasers (soon after the previous collectible), use the lift to go down 2 floors where you will find the final collectible.

Chapter 4

Card Pack. From the start of the level, stick to the right until you can go up a path inbetween the mountains. here you will find the first collectible of the level.

Broken Witch Heart. From the previous collectible go back to the main path. Here stick to the left until you see a chest. Activate it and collect all the fragmentes to get the heart piece.

Card Pack. After jumping across the broken bridge soon after the previous collectible, go down the path on your left to find a card pack at the bottom.

Broken Witch Heart. In the chest just below the previous card pack.

Broken Moon Pearl. Continue forward after the previous collectible where you will see a seal to your right (remember this). Then go up the elevator. At the top go left and around the tree on a rock to find a key on the other side. Now go back to the seal that you can now open with the key to find a chest containing the collectible.

Echoes Of Memory. Found on the tree on the rock where you got the key to open the seal.

Figure Box. Break the ruin under the tree where the previous collectible was.

Medallion Shard. In the area where you got the previous collectible (just after the broken bridge) you will see 2 columns, 1 with a moon and 1 with a sun. Here go up the path on the left of the columns and jump across the the platform on the right to get the medallion by destroying the rocky structure.

Broken Witch Heart. From the previous collectible, jump back across to the other side and continue straight (towards the sea). Here you will find a floating chest. Destroy it to get the collectible.

Broken Witch Heart. After going through the blue door that you have to hit with your summons, you will see a circle of flowers in front of you to the right. Get them to get a Scurrier to spawn. Hit it to get the broken heart piece.

Figure Box. Found on the platform just above the previous collectible.

Figure Box. Once you get to the castle rampart drop off to the left just after the 2nd trebuchet (the broken one) to find the collectible below.

Broken Witch Heart. In the area where you have to fight some enemies (just after the previous collectible), jump up to the tower on the left to find the heart piece in the chest.

Card Pack. From the chest, go around the left side of the gate. Then at the end of the wall jump up to the tower where you will find the collectible.

Echoes Of Memory. In the same area as the previous collectible, jump up to the wall to the right of the gate that you would use to continue.

Crow Umbran Tear Of Blood. Once you get to the castle walls (just after the rampart collapses below you), go left and climb around the side using the wooden platforms. At the top look right to find the crow.

Broken Moon Pearl. From the crowm, continue around the tower anti-clockwise to find a chest. Hit it and collect the fragments to get the pearl.

Figure Box. In plain sight in the area above the previous chest.

Figure Box. On top of the tower in the same area as the previous collectibles. You can get up there by using the wooden platforms from where the crow was.

Broken Moon Pearl. Once you get inside the castle walls with the lava on your right. Go through the hole in the wall to find a challenge. Finish the challenge to get the Moon Shard.

Broken Witch Heart. Straight after the boss fight with the train summon you will be on another section of the ramparts. Here jump across to the right where you will find a chest to the right. The chest contains the witch heart piece.

Card Pack. On top of the platform above the previous collectible.

Cat Umbran Tear Of Blood. Just below the previous card pack. Knock the ladder down and the chase the cat around clockwise until he/she goes of the ladder where you will be able to catch it.

Broken Moon Pearl. From the cat, go back to the ramparts and jump across the towers on the opposite side. At the end hit the chest and collect the fragments.

Frog Umbran Tear Of Blood. Behind the door on the left of the rampart just after the previous collectible.

Figure Box. On the lava to your right in plain sight straight after the previous collectible.

Echoes Of Memory. Soon after the previous collectible, you will have to fight a group of enemies. Here jump up to the tower on the right and hit the square to spawn some platforms allowing you to get to the collectible.

Heavenly Light. In plain sight at the end of the broken wall after the previous collectible.

Figure Box. On the roof straight in front of you in the area with the Heavenly Light.

Broken Witch Heart. Finish the purple challenge in the area just behind the shop.

Echoes Of Memory. On the left tower where the pods are that you have to destroy with the train.

Broken Witch Heart. Soon after the previous collectible you will have to use a time shifting enemy to get to the area above. Use this enemy to get inside the hole in the building to the right by forming platforms with the debris. Inside you will find the chest with the heart piece inside.

Figure Pack. After the previous collectible you will use some wooden platforms on chains to go to the upper area. Half way up you will see a collectible on the side.

Chapter 5

Card Pack. Go through the door to the right as soon as you start the chapter to find the card pack.

Broken Moon Pearl. Finish the challenge in the same area as the previous collectible.

Heavenly Light. Go back out to the first courtyard and go through the tunnel on the opposite side to find the challenge.

Cat Umbran Tear Of Blood. From the start of the chapter go straight through the broken wall. Then stick to the left where you will see the cat. Always make it go down stairs until it gets cornered by a door.

Figure Box. Go up 1 floor from the door where you trap the cat.

Figure Box. Go back up to where the cats starts. Here climb up the big to the big tower and go around the other side to get the card pack.

Figure Box. Continue around the tower from the previous collectible and look for a balcony below with the collectible on it.

Card Pack. Jump down from the balcony, then look for 2 parallel tunnels. Go through the left tunnel and then go around the tower on your left to find the card pack.

Frog Umbran Tear Of Blood. Found on the tower above the tunnels you just came through.

Card Pack. Jump down in to the courtyard below, then go through the broken wall and go right as soon as soon as you can to find the collectible on the balcony.

Figure Box. On the broken wall in front of the previous collectible.

Card Pack. Jump down to the courtyard and enter the last alcove on your right to find the collectible.

Record. In the room that you land in during the fight where the floor breaks.

Card Pack. To your left as soon as you leave the building where the record was.

Figure Box. After the part where you catch fire and have to run to the water you will be in a cave. As soon as you gain control of Viola after the fight, turn around to find the collectible.

Broken Witch Heart. Leave the cave through the exit next to the previous collectible. Then go down the stairs to find a challenge at the bottom. Finish the challenge to get the collectible.

Broken Moon Pearl. Go back in to the cave and take the path on the left. Then break the chest under the second bridge to get the pearl.

Figure Box. Soon after the bridges, look to your right to find the collectible before leaving the cave.

Card Pack. On the roof above you as soon as you exit the cave.

Figure Box. After dropping back down to the main path you will have a small battle. After the battle, drop down to the bottom path to find the collectible.

Broken Witch Heart. From the previous collectible, turn around and break the floating chest.

Crow Umbran Tear Of Blood. You will see the crow on the main path just before the shop.

Broken Moon Pearl. Hit the orb in the area where the shop is and finish the time trial to get the moon pearl.

Chapter 6

Figure Box. To your left as soon as you start the level.

Figure Box. On the tower to the right of the courtyard where you start the chapter.

Heavenly Light. Go through the arch to the right of the courtyard next to the tower where you got the previous collectible.

Cat Umbran Tear Of Blood. Close to the Heavenly Light. Chase it to the waterwheel to catch it on top.

Card Pack. On top of the building above where the cat starts.

Broken Moon Pearl. In a chest on top of the main gate leaving the first courtyard.

Card Pack. Behind one of the small walls on the left just before the big tower that you destroy.

Figure Box. Behind the tower that you knock over.

Broken Witch Heart. After going across the collapsed tower smash the box on the left to spawn some platforms to get to the other side of the lava. Here go left and activate the "Time Shifter". Advance time about half way to make a path in to the building on the other side of the lava where you can find the collectible.

Figure Box. Go back to the time shifter and advance time all the way. Now jump down to the bottom of the lava pit to get the figure.

Broken Witch Heart. Return to the area where you used the platforms to cross the lava. Here use the spider transformation to go to the box next to the rock in the center of the lava pool. Hit it and collect all the fragments to get the witch heart.

Figure Box. Return to the other side of the lava (the side the time shifter was on) and this time go right. Hit the box to get a moving platform to spawn. Get on the moving platform to find the collectible in the air next to the rock in the middle of the lava.

Crow Umbran Tear Of Blood. From the shop (found on the main path) go to the roof of the building at the end to your right to find the crow on top.

Heavenly Light. From the shop, go to the right to find the heavenly light in the courtyard to your left.

Figure Box. On the tower next to the heavenly light.

Broken Moon Pearl. From the previous collectible, head down the stairs to find a challenge. Finish the challenge to get the collectible.

Broken Moon Pearl. Continue down the stairs from the previous challenge. Then break the floating box with your summons.

Frog Umbran Tear Of Blood. On the big statue after the bridge breaks under you.

Card Pack. To the right of the previous collectible.

Broken Witch Heart. After going up the wooden lifts, go right to find a challenge. Finish the challenge to get the Witch Heart piece.

Side Chapter 2

Echoes Of Memory. This one is found next to the big main door that you open with the first switch where the giant enemy breaks the wall. Hard to miss.

Heavenly Light. After dropping down in to the water for the first time, head to the left past the blades and go through the hole on the left wall. This will take you to the Heavenly Light.

Figure Box. Go back to the water area and go right to find the Figure Pack in plain sight.

Chapter 7

Echoes Of Memories. At the very start of the level, climb up the platforms to your right to find the collectible.

Broken Witch Heart. Go towards the tall tower until you see a floating platform on your right. Jump on it and then destroy the chest on the other floating platform.

Card Pack. On the tree next to the lone tower under the floating platforms where you got the previous collectible.

Card Pack. Go back across the thin bridge and break the wall of the tower on your right. You will find the card pack inside.

Figure Box. Now climb the outside of the tower until you see a broken bridge with a figure box at the end.

Broken Moon Pearl. From the previous collectible, jump off the right side of the bridge. You should see a purple challenge in the area up ahead. Finish it to get the pearl.

Broken Moon Pearl. Go back to where the lone building was across the thin bridge and break the walls to find a key. Now take the key to the seal under the waterfall next to the purple challenge to get the pearl.

Broken Witch Heart. On the main path you will have to go around a mountain on the left side (after seeing the stone door). In this area you will see a block. Activate it and collect the fragments to get he heart piece.

Card Pack. On your left just before you jump down to the area with the arches.

Medallion Shard. Jump down to the area with the arches and climb up the broken stairs to your right. Here break the cube to get the shard.

Broken Witch Heart. During the part where you are riding Chester you will go through a small valley. On the other side you will come to and open area with little flying enemies. As soon as you get to this area wtach for chesters tale to move. The faster it moves the closer the secret is. Go just to the left of where you exit the valley to dig for a chest.

Figure Box. Same area as the previous collectible. To the right as you exit the valley.

Crow Umbran Tear Of Blood. Once you start to control Viola after digging up the water, head back towards the valley you came through with Chester. Just before enterting the valley you will see another gap in the rocks to the left that you can go through to get to another area. Go through the area and go out the other side to find the crow in plain sight.

Heavenly Light. In plain sight just after the crow.

Broken Witch Heart. Next to the heavenly light you will see a massive temple door. Open it by destroying the small pillar fragemnt next to the left snake. Once inside you to the top floor and defeat the enemy after opening the chest to get the collectible.

Figure Box. Right next to the previous collectible.

Frog Umbran Tear Of Blood. After the shop (main story path) you will see 3 sandfalls. The Frog can be found on a rock behind the left most one.

Echoes Of Memory. Continue behind the waterfalls and use the ledges to jump up to the upper area. Here hit the square cube to spawn some platforms. Use the platforms to get the collectible above you.

Broken Witch Heart. Finish the purple challenge next to the previous collectible.

Broken Moon Pearl. On top of the tower in the lower area where the sandfalls are.

Cat Umbran Tear Of Blood. Just below the tower. Chase the cat to the plaform in the middle of the area to catch it.

Broken Witch Heart. Destroy the floating cube to the right of where the cat started (close to the sandfalls).

Record. On a platform close to the edge on the left of the quicksand area.

Broken Moon Pearl. On top of the tower at the end of the quicksand area.

Chapter 8

Card Pack. At the start of the level in the small ruin on the right.

Broken Moon Pearl. Finish the purple challenge in the building next to the ruin where you got the previous collectible.

Heavenly Light. To the left of the building where the previous challenge was.

Frog Umbran Tear Of Blood. Behind the waterfall in the same area as the previous collectible.

Echoes Of Memory. From the waterfall turn around and go inbetween the 2 buildings. Then go right to find a cube. Hit the cube to spawn some platfomrs to get the Echoes of Memory.

Broken Witch Heart. Using the same platforms as the previous collectible, reach the top and hit the cube. Finish the time trial to get the heart piece.

Card Pack. Behind the waterfall on the left side of the first open area (the one behind the tower).

Figure Box. On top of the right hand side tower close to the previous collectible.

Broken Moon Pearl. Jump down to the platform with water on it below the tower next to the one where you got the previous collectible. Here hit the box and complete the time trial.

Record. Cross over to the other side of the first area (to where you used the floating platforms to get the echoes of memory & broken witch hear) and enter the cave. Here use the time shifter to move the far platform close enough so that you have time to get on it. Once on it, let the time run out to get to the platform with the record on it.

Figure Box. From the platform with the record, jump and glide to the floating box in plain sight.

Broken Witch Heart. Once you exit the cave near the previous collectible. Look for a big "chest" floating above the sand. Destroy it with a summon to get the heart piece.

Figure Box. Follow the bridge back towards the start of the level to find the collectible under the last section of the bridge.

Broken Moon Pearl. Go up to the upper part of the bridge (the end that is close to the start) to see a chest striaght ahead on the opposite side. Break it to get the pearl piece.

Crow Umbran Tear Of Blood. Go to the middle of the bridge (where the shop is) and jump down to your right to find the crow.

Card Pack. Under the last section of the bridge.

Echoes Of Memory. Go left as soon as you enter the underground temple (just after getting the new summon).

Figure Box. To the right side of the big room with pod enemies once you go upstairs in the temple.

Broken Witch Heart. Break the "big chest" with a summon in the same room as the previous collectible.

Cat Umbran Tear Of Blood. On the pillars in the same room as the previous collectibles.

Figure Pack. Continue through the temple until you get to a room filled with poison. Here hit the first statue on the right to reveal a secret room where you can find the collectible.

Broken Witch Heart. Now do the same and break the first statue on the left side of the poison room. Here finish the purple challenge to get the collectible.

Chapter 9

Figure Box. Drop down the cliff right in front of you to your right to find the collectible below.

Card Pack. On top of the tall rock in the same area as the previous collectible.

Frog Umbran Tear Of Blood. In a bush on the send platform up to the left of all little platforms with water on them.

Heavenly Light. In plain sight in the area at the top of all the platforms with water on them.

Echoes Of Memory. Behind the waterfall to the right of the heavenly light.

Broken Moon Pearl. On the side of the tower in the area where the previous 2 collectibles were.

Infernal Presence. In plain sight as soon as you enter the building with the birds around it.

Broken Witch Heart. From the previous collectible, go up the stairs and out on to the balcony through the columns. Finish the purple challenge to get the heart piece.

Card Pack. Jump off the right end of the balconies (where the stairs are to go to the next level) and land on the flatform on the other side of the gap. The collectible is behind the tower.

Figure Box. Climb up the mountain behind the previous collectible to find the figure box close to the stairs that take you up the side of the temple.

Record. Once you enter the temple after the cutscene you will find the record inbetween 2 saws on the right side.

Broken Moon Pearl. In the right corner of the same room in a chest.

Broken Witch Heart. In the next room with the wind, glide up through the door on the right to find a time trial. Finish the time trial to get the heart piece.

Echoes Of Memory. In the room after the next fight, go right and find the collectible in a hole in the floor.

Crow Umbran Tear Of Blood. In the same room on the structure above the big door.

Figure Box. As soon as you leave the windmill room, go right to find the pack behind the debris.

Figure Box. After falling through the floor, break the purple crystals and glide to the next area. Before going through the door climb up to the left to find the pack at the top.

Echoes Of Memory. To the right in the room with the weight puzzle.

Cat Umbran Tear Of Blood. In the far right corner of the weight puzzle room.

Figure Box. On the far left stairs in the weight puzzle room.

Card Pack. In the next room go through the blocked door to the right and look right to get the collectible.

Broken Witch Heart. Finish the purple trial in the same room as the previous collectible.

Figure Box. From the previous collectibles, go down the stairs to the next room. Here you will find the collectible on your right.

Figure Box. In the cave straight after the previous collectible (just before the chase scene) you will find some invisible platforms on your left (you can return here with Mictlantecuhtli to reveal them) the collectible can be found on the other side.

Card Pack. While running away from the mist you will see a card pack in plain sight above some stairs after going around a corner.

Card Pack. After the part where you run away from the mist, you will cross a bridge by using the summon to activate the windmills. As soon as you cross the bridge look to your right to find the collectible.

Chapter 10

Figure Box. At the start of the chapter, take a few steps forwards and then go right to find a platform below you. Here follow the platforms up to find the figure box.

Broken Moon Pearl. Finish the purple challenge next to the previous collectible.

Broken Witch Heart & Echoes Of Memory. Go back down to the bottom platform and step on it to get the other platforms to appear (same platforms used to get the figure box). Now go down to the bottom platforms that just appeared to get the seal key. Now continue stright from the start of the chapter until you see a tower. Hit the walls of the tower to break them. Inside take the lift to the top where you will find the Echoes Of Memory floating above you.Then go around another tower to find the seal that can be opened with the key. The Broken witch heart will be in the chest inside.

Broken Moon Pearl. From the previous collectible, turn around and jump to the broken bridge on the right side. Finish the time trial to get the moon pearl.

Card Pack. Go back up to where you started the time trial and go through the mountains behind it. Then drop down to find the card pack.

Echoes Of Memory. Just below the card pack.

Crow Umbran Tear Of Blood. To the right of the previous collectible.

Figure Box. Break the wall of the left most little building under the bridge (the one under where you opened the seal with the key).

Medallion Shard. Now go back outside and destroy the wall of the small tower on your left to find the shard inside.

Card Pack. After the fight in Ginnungagap jump across the platforms to your right.

Card Pack. Once you arrive in Paris stick to your left until you see a shop that you can break with Chester. The card pack is inside.

Heavenly Light. On your right once you arrive in Paris.

Cat Umbran Tear Of Blood. From the start of the Paris section, stick to the right. You will then see the cat next to a subway entrance. Once you get close the cat will jump down in to the subway. Quickly run across to the subway entrance on the other side of the road and wait for it.

Figure Box. Break the shop on the right close to the end of the main street just before the Arc de Triomphe.

Broken Witch Heart. Hit the cube next to the previous collectible, then use the platforms to get up to the time trial. Complete it to get the witch heart.

Echoes Of Memory. Continue down the main street as you stick to the left to find the collectible in a subway entrance.

Broken Witch Heart. From the previous collectible, turn around and go down the alley on your right. Then look right to find a purple challenge. Finish it to get the heart piece.

Frog Umbran Tear Of Blood. Go through the alley next to the previous challenge. Then break the garage door on the right to find the Umbran Tear.

Chapter 11

Figure Box. Behind the debris on your left just before you come out to the first open area.

Heavenly Light. To your left in the first open area (just after the previous collectible).

Crow Umbran Tear Of Blood. Now go to the right side of the open area sticking to the right buildings to see the crow.

Card Pack. Behind the bus on the opposite side of the road from where the crow starts.

Card Pack. Behind the bus at the end of the road in the first open area.

Record. At the start of the dark underground area, use the Mictlantecuhtli summon to reveal the surrounding area. Now go left and enter the hall to find the record.

Frog Umbran Tear Of Blood. In the same dark area behind the column on the right at the back.

Broken Witch Heart. As soon as you come back above ground, turn around and hit the box. Then use the platforms to get to the top where you will have to break the "cube". This will spawna floating chest that you will then have to break with your summons.

Echoes Of Memory. While still on the platforms from the previous collectible, turn around and glide to the high up echoes of memory.

Broken Moon Pearl. After dropping down from the previous collectible, go down the dead end street to your left to find a challenge at the end. Finish the challenge to get the collectible.

Cat Umbran Tear Of Blood. In the same street as the challenge. You can find the cat on one of the awnings above the windows. Just keep chasing the cat until it has no awnings left to jump to.

Broken Witch Heart. Down the street to the left of the shop (main path) you will see a garage close to the end of the left. Break it to find the challenge that gives you the witch heart.

Broken Witch Heart. In the next area use the "time shifter" to make platforms out of the enemies. Pressing the jump button on them will reset your double jump. Use them to get the heart piece.

Figure Box. After the boss at the roundabout go down the main street and look to your right to find the collectible behind a broken part of the building.

Broken Moon Pearl. During the flying section, as soon as you go in to the 2D part destroy the chest to get the heart piece.

Heavenly Light. In the 2D section stick to the bottom after some big pipes to get the collectible.

Chapter 12

Broken Moon Pearl. At the start of the chapter turn around and finish the challenge.

Figure Box. On a platform to the right of where Verse 2 is.

Figure Box. Just after verse 2 behind the turned bus on the left.

Frog Umbran Tear Of Blood. From the previous collectible glide over the chasm on your left to get to the lone platform. The frog will be here.

Card Pack. From the previous collectible, jump up to the main path by using the platforms on your right. As soon as you get on the road you will see a garage. Breakthe door to find the card pack.

Heavenly Light. Go down the alley to the right of the garage door where the previous collectible was. You will see the Heavenly light in plain sight.

Crow Umbran Tear Of Blood. In the same courtyard as the heavenly light.

Figure Box. To the left of where the crow started.

Broken Witch Heart. After the next story fight, jump down to the left to find a cube. Hit the cube and finish the time trial to get the heart piece.

Figure Box. Continue on the main path until you see a chasm on your left with an arch on the other side (same place at the cat). Destoy the vehicles behind the cat and go all the way to the end and destoy the cop car to find the figure.

Cat Umbran Tear Of Blood. You will chace the cat trhough the area where you destroyed the vehicles for the previous collectible.

Echoes Of Memory. To the left of the shop.

Broken Witch Heart. Finish the challenge that can be found to the right of the shop.

Figure Box. The other side of the arch next to the shop.

Card Pack. During the second wave of enemies in verse 6 break the gate on the right in the underground section.

Figure Box. Destroy the helicopter infront of you while riding the dragon.

Side Chapter 4

Heavenly Light. About 40 seconds in to the side chapter, stick to the top of the screen to activate the heavenly light.

Figure Box. About 1 minute+ after the previous collectible, stick to the bottom of the screen.

Chapter 13

Broken Moon Pearl. Turn around at the start and finish the challenge.

Cat Umbran Tear Of Blood. After the first section that falls beneath you, look to your left to find the cat on the platform.

Frog Umbran Tear Of Blood. On the pink stone with a beam of light coming out the top in the same area as the cat.

Crow Umbran Tear Of Blood. After going up a spiral you will find the crow at the top. Go ahead and wait at the blue bush for the crow to get there. This is an easy place to catch it.

Phenomenal Remnant Collectibles

Full Witch Heart. In the Phenomenal Remnant 2 finish the 3 green challenges to get the heart from the chest.

Infernal Presence. Found in Phenomenal Remnant 3.

Broken Moon Pearl. Finish the Phenomenal Remnant 4 time trial.

Full Moon Pearl. Obtained from the chest after finishing the 3 green challenges in Phenomenal Remnant 5.

Heavenly Light. Found in Phenomenal Remnant 6.

Full Moon Pearl. Finish the time trial in Phenomenal Remnant 7.

Full Witch Heart. Finish the 3 green challenges in Phenomenal Remnant 8.

Figure Box. On one of the floating platforms on the left side in Phenomenal Remnant 9.

Infernal Presence. Found in Phenomenal Remnant 9.

Full Witch Heart. Finish the time trial in Phenomenal Remnant 11.

Full Witch Heart. Finish the 3 green challenges in Phenomenal Remnant 12.

Infernal Presence. Found in Phenomenal Remnant 13.

Infernal Presence. Found in Phenomenal Remnant 14.

Record. Obtained after finishing the infernal presence in Phenomenal Remnant 14.

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